We hiked the Grand Canyon a couple Saturdays ago. It was a day trip, we hiked all the way to the bottom and back up despite warning on this sign...
It was an amazing trip as far as sight seeing, but it was pretty difficult, well, at least the last 2 miles!! I almost lost my lunch about 100 meters from the top and that's right after Rick ran to see the big horn sheep that were just hanging out and posing for pictures.
It was about an 8 hour hike, 3 hours down and 5 hours out, 17 miles total. We spent about an hour at the bottom having lunch and lemonade at a little place called Phantom Ranch. We went with 3 other people, all who work at the gym that we workout at, needless to say we did not finish first : ) However, we didn't finish last either. Rick even took some time to make a friend along the way...
Here are some of the pictures we took during our adventure:
The beginning of a long day.
Mules on the trail.
The Colorado River.
Julie at the bottom
We finally made it to the top again! We thought we were pretty tough for going down and out in one day, but the guy to the far left trying to get out of our picture did rim to rim to rim in 12 hours! That means he started where he is sitting on the South Rim went all the way to the top of the North Rim and back in one day! He ran all but 7 miles of it. Now that is CRAZY!
Posted by Julie at 9:30 AM 3 comments