Saturday, April 9, 2011


I think being stuck inside helps to encourage creativity. Here is a fun new ride Rick and Truman came up with.

 Truman thought it was so fun and so Rick and I took turns dragging him around in the upside down bar stool. This reminded me of what it was like being a kid and coming up with your own games and things to do. I can't wait until Truman and his future siblings are old enough to come up with their own creative things and I will get to watch and hear about them.
 We were stuck inside because it had been snowing ALL day! I think that we got at least a foot of snow. Really, it's mid-April in Arizona?
 We did take advantage of the last snow of the season (fingers crossed) and went out and did a little sledding behind our house.

Better gloves and snow boots are a must for Truman next year!

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